The Manual of Seventh Period of Iran Junior Math Olympiad
Mobtakeran educational cultural publishing company holds the Iran Junior Mathematics Olympiad for the seventh consecutive years.
1) Participant
The Olympiad will be for sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades. An exam is designed for each grade and each student will compete with the students of his own grade.
2) Conditions for entering the exam
Outstanding students in mathematics could apply to the exam.
Filling the applying form, submitting a photograph and paying the applying fee (16000 tomans) is obligatory.
3) Olympiad steps and conditions of entering each step
The Olympiad will be held simultaneously in the country. The first level will be on February 17, 2017 at educational units, the second level will be on April 28, 2017 at the provinces and the third level will be on late July 2017 at Tehran.
Note: Successful students of the first level must pay 16000 tomans to enroll in the second level.
Conditions for entering the second level
The students whose rank is 20% of the whole participants of the same grade in the province, in case of obtaining at least 50% of the score would pass to the next level.
Note: In case the schools in each grade have more than 10 participants (10 present participants on exam day of first level) and none of the participants achieve the adequate score to enter the second level, the students of the first rank in each grade would pass to the second level.
Conditions for entering the third level
The one to tenth state ranks of each grade will be invited to Tehran in order to participating in the third level of Olympiad.
In case in each province students don’t comply with conditions of passing to the third level, the first rank of each grade with condition of obtaining 45% of the score in the second level of Olympiad would pass to the third level.
*The color of medals for successful students passed to third level will be determined after the exam. Students of 1 to 10 ranks will be gold medalist and others will be silver medalist.
4) Exam Questions
Questions of the first level of Olympiad contain 24 multiple choice questions with 5 options. Each question has 3 points and there is one minus point for any incorrect answer. Accordingly, this step of the exam has 72 points.
Questions of the second level of Olympiad contain 30 multiple choice questions with 5 options. Each question has 3 points and there is one minus point for any incorrect answer. Accordingly, this step of the exam has 90 points.
Questions of the third level of Olympiad contain 15 multiple choice questions with 5 options and 2 descriptive answers. Each multiple choice question has 4 points, there is one minus point for any incorrect answer and each descriptive question has 10 points. The total points will be 80.
The response time for each level of the Olympiad would be 120 minutes (2 Hs).
Note: Some of the question for the first level would be designed on the basis of the math book of regarding grade and the last six periods of Iran Junior Mathematics Olympiad.
A) After announcing the second level results, medals will be distributed as follows:
The 10 first rank winners from each grade would be passed to the third level to determine the color of medal. The 20 second rank winners (ranks 11 to 30) would be silver medalist and the 30 third rank winners (ranks 31 to 60) would be bronze medalist. Equal ranks would be counted on repeated numbers.
B) The first to third ranks from the third level competition in each grade would be selected as national winners and in addition to medal and appreciation certificate would receive the statue and an exquisite prize (which would be declared later), and other ranks of the third level would receive medal, appreciation certificate, the statue of the seventh period of the Olympiads and a prize.
C) The other silver and bronze medalists from the second level will receive appreciation certificate in addition to medal.
D) Mobtakeran publications would award prizes to five school administrators in Tehran and other provinces who have the maximum number of medalists, for their attention and effective cooperation to the affairs of Olympiad.
E) The parents of outstanding students whose children have achieved first to third national ranks in two executive years would be awarded too.
Prizes would be awarded during the ceremony of The Seventh Period of Iran Youth Math Olympiad which will be held by Mobtakeran Cultural Educational Company in Tehran.
6) Terms of Applying
Volunteer schools and students could apply for this event until January 19, 2017 submitting a chromatic photograph (3x4 cm) with the applicant’s information on the back and 16000 tomans to Mobtakeran representatives in all over the country.
Every student could apply to the first level by paying one fee (16000 tomans), not possible for them to pay for the next levels in advance.
For more information please contact:
_The Secretariat of Iran Youth Math Olympiad +982161094201-4
_Department of representatives’ affairs and communication with schools +982161094800-2
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